Tuesday 9 July 2013

Flowers & Ornamentals

      The species is named Caracalla, a corruption of the Portuguese
caracul, meaning snail. This perennial vine
(when grown in a climate without frost) has fragrant flowers
said to be reminiscent of hyacinths – with a distinctive curled
shape, giving rise to the common names corkscrew vine, snail vine,
snail creeper, or snail bean.


SNAIL VINE (Vegan Caracalla), also known as corkscrew vine, is actually a type of bean native to South America

The pretty violet tinged cream and yellow flowers curl upon themselves, grow abundantly upon green vines and are deliciously fragrant. In its native tropics the vines can reach 25 feet. You can also try growing in pots given appropriate support. The seed is very hard to collect, hence the high price. 5 Seeds.
The pretty violet tinged cream and yellow flowers curl upon themselves, grow abundantly upon green vines and are deliciously fragrant. In its native tropics the vines can reach 25 feet. You can also try growing in pots given appropriate support. The seed is very hard to collect, hence the high price. 5 Seeds.
GROWING TIPS: Sow indoors 1" deep. Germination in 5-15 days. Transplant outdoors after last frost date. Prefers full sun. Provide support. If in the North, you can container grow or dig up roots to save for replanting out next spring. Grows more magnificent each successive year.

SEED SAVING TIPS: Not the easiest to save seed for because it doesn't always set seed pods. But when it does, let them dry on the vine before harvesting. Can also be propagated by cuttings


Easy and fast-growing, nutritious and versatile in cooking, beans come in many varieties. Snap Beans need only a short growing season, and are rich in vitamins A and C, plus calcium and iron. Harvest before beans form. Eat Shell Beans fresh when beans fill out pods, but are not full size. Dry and store beans once pods shrivel. Many varieties can be eaten fresh or dried for storage. Support long, twining vines of Pole Beans on string tied between stakes, on a trellis or fence. Self-supporting, 1- to 2-feet-tall Bush Beans produce fewer beans than Pole types, but can be grown in containers. Most like warm weather, so plant long after last spring frosts. Seedlings transplant poorly. Treating seeds with a legume inoculant increases harvest. Plant Snap Beans in warm soil at 2-week intervals, and harvest crops all summer. Keep moist. With all beans, watch for Mexican bean beetle and downy mildew. Do not water overhead or work with wet plants, to avoid spreading leaf diseases. Pollinated by bees, so spray any chemicals at dusk when bees are gone.

This twining perennial looks similar to pole bean. White or yellow flowers have purple wings and the keel coiled like a snail's shell. An oblong fruit grows to about 8 inches long.